Hi Andi! Thanks for your question.
If you're using JScript and you don't want to enable debugging, then
Good luck!
If you're using JScript and you don't want to enable debugging, then
is your only option as far as we can tell. Here's a basic sample (with thanks to StackOverflow):publicclass Log { privatereadonlydynamic _getStack; public Log(ScriptEngine engine) { _getStack = engine.Evaluate(@"(function () { var stack = ''; var func = arguments.callee.caller; while (func) { var scan = /\W*function\s+([\w\$]+)\(/.exec(func.toString()); var name = scan ? scan[1] : '[anonymous]'; stack += ' at ' + name + '\n'; func = func.caller; } return stack; }).valueOf()"); } publicvoid Info(string text) { Console.WriteLine(text); Console.WriteLine(_getStack()); } }