Channel: ClearScript
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Commented Issue: Problems using WindowsScriptEngineFlags.EnableDebugging [36]

I have code that executes fine on my machine with Visual Studio installed but have passed the code (compiled) including ClearScript.DLL to someone else who is getting an error when the script runs. I have tracked it down that if I remove the EnableDebugging I do not see the crash. But I need this option to get Column and Line numbers for errors in user scripts.

Is this crash caused by a lack of VS on the other machine? If so how do I work around this? I ONLY have the debug option enabled for line and column numbers (running v5.3.9 - not yet tried v5.3.11 as I cannot reproduce so need my colleague to run with latest DLL!)

Stack Trace Info below
at System.Activator.CreateInstance(Type type, Boolean nonPublic)
at Microsoft.ClearScript.Windows.ProcessDebugManagerWrapper32..ctor()
at Microsoft.ClearScript.Windows.ProcessDebugManagerWrapper.Create()
at Microsoft.ClearScript.Windows.WindowsScriptEngine.<>c__DisplayClass2.<.ctor>b__0()
at Microsoft.ClearScript.ScriptEngine.ScriptInvoke[T](Func`1 func)
at Microsoft.ClearScript.Windows.WindowsScriptEngine..ctor(String progID, String name, WindowsScriptEngineFlags flags)
at Microsoft.ClearScript.Windows.VBScriptEngine..ctor(String progID, String name, WindowsScriptEngineFlags flags)
at Microsoft.ClearScript.Windows.VBScriptEngine..ctor(String name, WindowsScriptEngineFlags flags)
MY ENTRY POINT -> at Configurator.ScriptProcessor.EnableAPI(API api)

Comments: Unfortunately, as far as we can tell, JScript and VBScript report only error messages when debugging is disabled. They report no further details, and the stack collection APIs simply fail. We'll keep looking, but if the only solution is to develop a script debugger, then it would make little sense for us to do so, since mature and powerful freeware debuggers are available.

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