So here's what's wrong with the NuGet package when dealing with websites.
You have two post-build events that copy the files to the bin directory when for websites they need to be moved to the project directory instead.
The choice answer here would probably be to create a web specific NuGet package. I've created one locally that does exactly what needs to be done and it works flawlessly.
You have two post-build events that copy the files to the bin directory when for websites they need to be moved to the project directory instead.
The choice answer here would probably be to create a web specific NuGet package. I've created one locally that does exactly what needs to be done and it works flawlessly.
$solutionDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($dte.Solution.FullName) + "\"
$path = $installPath.Replace($solutionDir, "`$(SolutionDir)")
$NativeAssembliesDir = Join-Path $path "tools\native"
$x86 = $(Join-Path $NativeAssembliesDir "x86\*.*")
$x64 = $(Join-Path $NativeAssembliesDir "amd64\*.*")
$PostBuildCmd = "
if not exist `"`$(ProjectDir)`" md `"`$(ProjectDir)`"
xcopy /s /y `"$x86`" `"`$(ProjectDir)`"
if not exist `"`$(ProjectDir)`" md `"`$(ProjectDir)`"
xcopy /s /y `"$x64`" `"`$(ProjectDir)`""
For now I've created a NuGet package that depends on ClearScript but then just appends del commands to remove those files copied and copies them to the right location.hacky...