Hi again!
We've reproduced this issue, and you nailed it - in our previous tests we used a newer ClearScript version (not yet released) where this issue is already fixed. We'll get the fix out ASAP.
This bug only affects parameterless functions. You can work around it by adding a dummy parameter:
Thanks again, and good luck!
We've reproduced this issue, and you nailed it - in our previous tests we used a newer ClearScript version (not yet released) where this issue is already fixed. We'll get the fix out ASAP.
This bug only affects parameterless functions. You can work around it by adding a dummy parameter:
Using engine AsNew Microsoft.ClearScript.Windows.VBScriptEngine engine.Execute("Public Sub Main(dummy) : Dim x : x = 5 : End Sub") engine.Script.Main(0) EndUsing