can this work inside a winRT "metro" C# application?
Comments: Hello! Thanks for your question. Because ClearScript relies on components that use COM registration (JScript/VBScript) and just-in-time compilation (Google V8), it is not compatible with WinRT. A pure .NET interpreter such as [Jint]( might be closer to what you're looking for. By the way, please use the [Discussions]( area for asking questions. Thank you!
Comments: Hello! Thanks for your question. Because ClearScript relies on components that use COM registration (JScript/VBScript) and just-in-time compilation (Google V8), it is not compatible with WinRT. A pure .NET interpreter such as [Jint]( might be closer to what you're looking for. By the way, please use the [Discussions]( area for asking questions. Thank you!